The Way is lost in the moment of perception...
Still the mind on the everpresent breathing...
Lose the attempt to focus for this is futility...
Embrace the emptiness of potentiality...
And hold onto the unattainable with fleeting hands...
Color the prism of perception with the infinite emptiness...
And see into the void of what is "real"...
Such beauty rests within the construct of the human mind...
A heart beats and then after a myriad of wrythings finds solace in resting...
The mind wanders here and there, only to find neither exist...
Release all attachements to good or bad and live life to the fullest potential...
Hold onto the ideology of GOOD and BAD, and embrace heresy...
There is neither but both are definitions published upon the human mind...
An attempt to hold sway over the natural world...
Holding to Good and Bad there is opposition...
Strive instead to generate growth and life...
For now you are alive...
Seek to give love...
For Love is truth and Hate is error or illusion...
You will find what you seek...
And see what you believe...
So believe in fulfillment and enjoy the journey...
Seek to aide your fellow man without discretion...
And fulfillment will be returned unto you...
For to clamour against the infinite plan is illusion...
Live today for today, and expect nothing in return...
Enjoy the ever-present perfume of the joy of living...
See not evil but illusion...
See not Hate but Love...
Love until your lasting breath sighs no more upon your lips...
And hold on to nothing accept Love...
Sadness is self pity, and attachment to worldly and illusory things...
Enjoy what is present in your life, and free it when it goes...
Live life as the waves lapping upon the sandfilled shores...
Neither wanting nor struggling but enjoying your labor...
Do these things and immortality is truly yours...
Judge no other for they already are judging themselves...
You make your life everyday...
Decide what you will have for the day...
And with joy and pleasure generate it into being...
Sadness and despair come from not accepting the way things are...
Joy and Happiness come from not accepting self centered expectations...
Maybe today is another person's day and you are there to fulfill...
Love always and forever.